Stream bank covered in liverworts in southeastern US
Umbrella shaped liverwort archegoniophores (female sex structures) with sporangium underneath
Archegoniophores of a thallose liverwort with black sporangium underneath
Diploid sporangium of a leafy liverwort containing haploid spores at 20x
Liverwort spores with elaters at 100x
Liverwort spores and spiral shaped elaters that can increase dispersal with changes in moisture at 400x
Leafy liverwort cells (haploid) with oil bodies at 400x
Thallose liverwort spreading over rock with thallus structures (haploid)
2 different species of thallose liverworts
2 species of leafy liverworts
Thallose liverworts giving rise to antheridiophores (male sex structures)
Antheridiophores containing swimming gametes (sperm)
Antheridial heads
Antheridia at 400x
Thallose liverwort archegoniophores (female) containing antheridia with egg cells underneath at 20x
Liverwort archegonia with neck canals and venters that hold the egg cells at 400x
Underside of an archegoniophore head with archegonia at 20x  (unfertilized on left/fertilized on right)
Fertilized archegonia with developing diploid sporangium and haploid spores at 20x
Thallose liverwort sporangium and spores with elaters at 20x/400x
Thallose liverwort gemma cups containing asexual cells called gemmae (haploid)
Gemma splash cups with gemmae ready to be dispersed by rain
Gemma cups and air pores at 20x (Liverworts are the only group of land plants that lack stomata entirely)
Liverwort gemmae at 400x (haploid)
Leafy liverwort gemmae at 1x/20x/400x
Liverwort spreading on rock
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