Clumps of cyanobacteria in the genus Nostoc in southeastern US
Dark colored cyanobacteria also called blue green algae
Jelly like cyanobacteria (Nostoc) after absorbing water
Cyanobacteria (Nostoc) gelatinous colony at 100x
Cyanobacteria colony showing chains of cells at 100x
Nostoc at 400x
Cyanobacteria cellular chains with large heterocyst cells in the center at 400x
Cyanobacteria heterocyst cell (larger) in the center of chain with vegetive cells on either side at 400x
      PART II
A species of filamentous cyanobacteria living ot top of a leafy liverwort at 20x
Cyanobacteria in a symbiotic relationship with a liverwort at 100x
Square shaped heterocyst cell at 400x
Anabaena with heterocyst and akinete cells at 400x
Heterocyst cell in between two larger akinete cells at 400x
Cycad plant (Cycas revoluta)
Coralloid roots of a cycad plant containing symbiotic cyanobacteria
Sliced coralloid root showing green ring of symbiotic cyanobacteria at 10x
Cross section of Coralloid root at 40x
Root tissue containing clumps of cyanobacteria at 400x
Cyanobacteria cells at 400x
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